
К сожалению, для SKR 2.0 в открытом доступе прошивок нет, есть только для более старых версий:

Производитель "зажал" прошивки.

Описывается процесс загрузки загрузчика здесь: https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-SKR-V1.3/issues/346

Also should have said, I figured out the bootloader on the board will go into DFU (flashing via USB) mode when you hold the rotary encoder button of the screen down while resetting. Then you can do dfu-util -D <firmware.bin>. That way you don't have to fidget with the SD card (for mine the SD card is inaccessible and the plan was to use an extender, not feasible if I have to hold it in).
So when starting the board, the bootloader checks if a given button is pressed (dfu button check), and if so, starts the board in DFU mode (enter dfu mode), where you can flash firmware in linux using dfu-util (no idea about Windows, sorry). This button is pin 0.28 (bootloader dfu pin), which is set to pull-up so you need to connect it to ground (dfu is pullup). Location of pin 0.28 on the SRK 1.3 board on EXP1 SKR 1.3 pinout (and 1.4 uses the same wiring for EXP1 and 2 of course).
